AntiGoogle Project



How Does the Search Engine Work?

The search takes place based on titles, addresses, and descriptions of websites that are part of our link directory, which are added to the database by users of the project. The result of the search is a link to the homepage of the found website. Additionally, a description of the resource is displayed.

What is this Exotic Search Engine?

This type of search is called "associative search." It has been in practice long before modern Big Tech search engines came into existence, specifically since 1995. Therefore, we do not index websites; instead, we work with descriptions. This means that if you are looking for something specific, such as action movies or comedies, you need to use associations related to that topic. For example, you can use queries like "movies," "torrent," "series," and so on. By doing this, you will receive links to thematic websites where the specific items you are searching for will be located. You can also use a double query, for instance, writing "music movies" at the same time. Attention! Also, keep in mind that sometimes the name of a website itself contains the theme of the project. Following these simple principles will allow you to enjoy searching here.

How Are Websites Added?

The link directory is filled by users of the project in an anonymous mode. This helps to avoid censorship.

New Links Are Not Displaying After the Update. What Should You Do?

Clear your browser's cache or refresh the search page manually. Some browsers, in an effort to save data, prefer to keep information in the cache for a long time without updating it, especially on newer smartphones. Also, remember that the latest websites are at the bottom of the search results page and at the bottom of the resource listing pages. In other words, the output is structured from newest to oldest, not the other way around.

Why Is This Necessary?

The founder of this project take was under advisement the constant complaints from people in independent BBS FTN networks about not being able to find anything in search engines due to widespread "leftist" censorship and agenda. Thus, this platform was created for anonymous link sharing without censorship. The only exceptions are technically unprocessable links, as well as sexual and behavioral deviations that cause harm.

What link formats do you support?

We supports Gopher:// FTP:// HTTP:// HTTPS:// TELNET:// links.

How can I add a link to ftp or bbs?

Enter telnet:// or ftp:// instead of http:// in the add site address bar of the site; if you are using a non-standard port, be sure to specify the port address in the site description. For example: my BBS or my FTP server uses port 2121 or 2323.

Why do this project collect so many data?

We do not collect data, these are the usual statistics that any BigTech search engine collects. The project simply does not hide information. We show statistics in real time, publicly and openly, unlike BigTech. Statistics depends entirely on the site users. The administration is absolutely neutral to this information except for possible technical problems.

I don't like the user queries and trends here.

User queries and trends are not moderated, except for technically conditioned problems. If you don't like that users are looking for 'butts' or 'egg rolls', then there's nothing you can do about it. The project was also created to give a realistic assessment of trends in society and people living near you. Trends and queries depend entirely on users. Whoever use project the most creates the trends here.

What is your policy regarding drive up the queries and bots raids?

The project reacts neutrally to attacks by political bots and trolls, except for possible technical problems. Bot farms are paid for by bankters in order to influence public opinion. They leftist agenda is also part life of society. Based on our open statistics, you can see what narratives the leftists promotes and how they do it. The information obtained here about the system of drive up of "trends" by leftist bots is already being used by the relevant organizations.

My browser does not open some websites and says that they are not safe!

Let's look into this issue. BigTech browsers and their plugins contain built-in "leftist agenga" censorship tools under the guise of fighting for security. For example, they block SSL certificates of countries or sites not included in the BigTech passive tracking program. The second reason for blocking is discrimination by protocol. Up to 30% of global sites do not use SSL/TLS on principle. Because their administrators do not see any need for it. So thanks to BigTech censorship you don't have access to sites like Http:// Gopher:// Telnet:// Cso:// Irc:// and others. The third reason for blocking is political. The "leftist" blocks access to conservative, anarchist and pirate projects. So, to sum up the above, you should get rid of outdated insecure BigTech browsers and switch to third-party browsers to avoid being victims of leftist gaslighting propaganda inside your device.

You are distributing Fake News sites!

Conservative, right-wing, anarchist and other news projects not financed by transnational left banking capital are not Fake News projects. This is the political position of the owners of left-wing agenda BigTech platforms. USA have a counteract laws for Fake News information. If a website is really dangerous from the point of view of US security, it looks like [ this picture ] . If a news website is not recognized as such by a court or DHS decision, then accusations of any website being Fake News are a political position and point of view and from the point of view of US law are prosecuted in court. Therefore, writing that a website is Fake News complies with the US Constitution, but it is also important to remember that if there is no court or DHS decision confirming this, then this is a false propaganda statement by left-wing populists.

What is the political focus of your project?

This project is English-language. But it is not pro-American or pro-anything else. The goal of the project is primarily to provide information free from "leftist agenda". That is, the project provides a platform for any political idea. We do not censor information or engage in gaslighting like BigTech "leftist agenda" platforms do.

What did you use to develop this search engine?

Windows XP, AkelPAd 4.6.1 x86, single-core processor AMD/1 gb ram and Palemoon 28 browser.

What technologies do your algorithms rely on?

The algorithms are based on technologies of social echo-chambers gaslighting used by BigTech to manipulate public opinion. As a developer, I am constantly trying to improve these technologies to expose them more clearly. For this I use this project as an example.

Why not all queries don't get in Search Log?

Due to the fact that bot farms associated with left-wing globalists attacked our search engine with thousands of offensive queries addressed to US President Donald Trump, the white race, as well as insults addressed to the US Republican Party, a system of white and black query filters was introduced. Filter algorithms include analysis of white and black IP address subnets, the ratio of requests to these IP addresses, checking for repeat requests, as well as subsequent summary moderation. Thus, rotten requests and requests from real people are included in the general summary report, based on which real requests are selected and added to the Search Log. Sometimes it happens instantly, and sometimes it requires processing.

Where to send complaints, wishes, appeals, requests, investment projects?

Your opinions, comments, complaints, send to our public wall!
